Thursday, July 22, 2010

Lenovo ThinkPad T410s and Windows 7

As some of you may know, I have been wearing a splint on my left arm for the past week that extends from my hand to my bicep.  (The result of carpal tunnel surgery as well as surgery on the ulnar nerve.)

In anticipation of the surgery, I began researching various options that would enable me to remain productive despite the limited use of one hand and arm. 

Dragon DNS was mentioned on numerous occasions as the industry leader in voice recognition software.  However, it was also mentioned that Windows 7 includes voice recognition as a part of its normal functionality.  I decided to look into it further, hoping to write an article on the subject, and Lenovo was kind enough to loan me a ThinkPad for review purposes. 

Without writing the complete article here, I must say that I've been very happy with both the ThinkPad and with Windows 7. I'm actually writing this blog right now using voice recognition.  This ThinkPad has been a huge blessing, allowing me to remain much more productive than I otherwise would have been.  I was able to even answer a few emails within hours of my surgery despite my entire left arm still being completely numb from a nerve block.

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